Articles by Grace Young

About Grace Young
Grace Young is an award-winning food writer and the author of Stir-Frying to the Sky’s Edge, The Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen and The Breath of a Wok. Her work has appeared in Gourmet, Metropolitan Home, Copia, Gastronomica, and Eating Well magazine. You can find her online at

Remember China, Nan Chung

Growing up in America, my older brother Douglas and I behaved more like American children than Chinese. It is only now, after nearly fifty years, that I have begun to heed our grandfather's instruction to "Remember China." [...]

The wisdom of the Chinese kitchen

In Chinese cooking, every ingredient and dish is imbued with its own brilliance and lore. Passed on through a lifetime of meals, conversations, celebrations, and rituals, every food we ate in our home had a story. [...]

Going to market with Mama

To my mother and my father and, indeed, most Chinese people, selecting farm-fresh produce brings them pure delight and satisfaction. They literally glow, and beam, to bring home choice, blemish-free produce. [...]
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